Saturday, June 8


Three Buildings

That scowl and crow feet
And that Cowboy stare
Which meets its object
Somewhere in mid-air
Is Nordic.

And you come unasked
Unlike him thru' pain-
Utterly unmasked
In a sense to complain
Of nuts!

Now descend some steps.
The Italian door
You'd do well perhaps
Simply to ignore;
You're not welcome.

Then we walk past light
To the door shut tight
At the extreme right
Where always the night
Will morning greet
Without sun.

On the lower floor,
The mystery sis,
Below the blue door,
On a posted kiss
Lives from her son

Her neighbours transfer
Every month or two,
But surely after
Some hullabaloo
With lovers.

And in the dungeon
The young Russian
Peels off memories
And other debris
From his mind

Then the new couple:
He looks like a bun
And she, an apple,
Both hopple-topple
To computer dens.


Second Phase 

Linking corridor
Consumes the breeze
Wafting to and fro
Leaving dust to rise 
From heated floor

Then O! The queen
Of France but if France
Had ever a queen
who at first glace
Was a Rhombus
On stilts

The quiet bash
Of Piet's addictions
Are confessed in Trash
Yet all his actions
Are laudably quiet.

Then comes the horror!
Scandal embodied,
A frame of rumour 
And shallow, studied
Ambition on feet.

Cristine is pristine
Sedate and quiet
But Hey! she has been
In a sordid riot
 Paying for her loft
In three continents!

I can hear her fart
In my idle hours
Her loose membranes part
 In her quiet bowers
Disturbing my calm.

Now! Meet the luck-man
Who fixed my fan
And when it broke again
He fixed it again
Only to burn the coil
And get paid again!



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